Reliability and Continuity of Supply of the Venezuelan Electrical System

This paper presents an analysis and detailed comparison of the multiple factors that, throughout the period 1999-2011, have caused and continue deteriorating the quality of the electrical service...

Authors: Gustavo González Urdaneta, Miguel Lara Guarenas and Víctor Poleo Uzcátegui


Varios / – 21/10/11

Since 1999 the Venezuelan Electrical System (SEV) is going through a crisis due to multiple events, which has become evident not only through an accelerated decline in service quality, but also because the high probability of having  a system collapse at any time. This paper presents an analysis and detailed comparison of the multiple factors that, throughout the period 1999-2011, have caused and continue deteriorating the quality of the electrical service, as well as the solutions required to be taken to recuperate the reliability and continuity of supply and improve present power quality service.

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Autores: Gustavo González Urdaneta, Miguel Lara Guarenas y Víctor Poleo Uzcátegui / Ponente: Gustavo González Urdaneta


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